Careers & Opportunities

ARGANS has an established history of over 15 years of delivering Earth Observation derived products and services supporting European and International clients and stakeholders, in particular the European Space Agency (ESA). We are specialists in satellite-based Earth Observation, geographical information systems, and developers of remote-sensing applications and services used to observe, map and monitor the marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environments.
Job Vacancies
We are not actively recruiting at the moment
"Working at ARGANS has given me an excellent start to my career in Remote Sensing research and the opportunity to undertake a work-based PhD. The breadth of projects on offer means there's always something new to learn!"
"The work ethic is one of collaboration. No problem is ever your own and will always be met with interest and empathy from other staff to solve as a collective and utilize skillsets from across the rest of the team. I am fortunate enough to acknowledge the team at ARGANS as not just my colleagues but also my friends."