Our Commitment
Environmental Mission Statement
ARGANS is dedicated to environmental operations that foster a sustainable future and lead to improvements in the communities where we do business. ARGANS will continually maintain compliance with all local, state and federal environmental regulations and will strive to reduce our impact on the environment.
Environmental Policy
ARGANS recognises that our activities have an impact on the environment and we are committed to managing and improving our environmental performance. We regularly review our environmental impact and are committed to:
- Raising awareness of environmental factors within our organisation and with our partners and contractors
- Employing virtual communications in our internal and client meetings to reduce our carbon footprint
- Reducing our usage of non-recycled and non-recyclable office supplies
- Engaging employees to reduce our general (land-fill) waste
- Minimising our electrical usage
- Reducing postage and printing
Quality Policy
Our commitment to quality is reflected in the professional recognition and quality standard that we have been awarded IS09001:2015.
In order to maintain our reputation for providing a quality service and exceeding our Customer’s expectations, we have recently launched our new Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
We are committed to a programme of continuous improvement, through which we are constantly reviewing and enhancing the services we provide to both our internal and external partners and customers.

Privacy Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect in May 2018, aims to protect the privacy of the personal data we hold within our organisation. As part of the transition to the GDPR, we have reviewed and updated our processes and procedures to ensure we are compliant with the GDPR principles.
ARGANS shall regularly review its privacy policy and associated data control practices to ensure continued compliance and improvement in our adherence to the GDPR.

Equality & Diversity
We recognise and encourage the valuable and enriching contribution that people from all backgrounds and experiences bring to ARGANS, We believe that all individuals should be treated on the basis of merit and without prejudice. ARGANS therefore, promoted equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of age, cultural background, class, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, faith, flexible working, language union activity and health status. We strive to remove conditions which place employees at a disadvantage and will actively challenge bigotry and discrimination.
ARGANS believes in fairness and equity and values diversity as an employer and aims to embed its equality and diversity values into every day practice, policies and procedures so that equality and diversity becomes the norm for all.
Health & Wellbeing
We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our staff both in the workplace and beyond. By providing information and resources on Physical and Mental Health and available support networks we aim to raise awareness and challenge the stigma associated with Physical and Mental Health conditions. As part of our Health and Wellbeing program we have provided Mental Health Awareness training and will expand the reach of this knowledge to our future employees and interns via internal training and knowledge sharing. We also provide information and resources on subjects such as fitness, eating habits and heart health.
ARGANS recognises that it has a moral and social responsibility to share its health and wellbeing knowledge, with a special focus on mental health, and by broadening the knowledge and understanding of our staff we aim to increase awareness across society.