International Disaster Charter & CEOS WGDisasters

Project Description
ARGANS provides technical support and consultancy to ESA in activities involving the International Charter 'Space & Natural Disasters’ and CEOS Working Group Disasters. This involves co-ordinating activities and initiatives related to the use of satellite EO to support geohazards, monitoring the user community, collecting and analysing performance metrics, preparing dissemination material and performing outreach activities [2014-2020]. During the period 2018-2019 ARGANS supported the French Space Agency (CNES) in its lead role within the Executive Secretariat and the Board of the International Charter.
Support is provided to the ESA representatives within the Charter at Board and Secretariat level including the formal reporting of Charter activities. ARGANS’ contribution is well recognised particularly by CEOS with regard to the Working Group Disasters Seismic Hazards activities and the Geohazard Lab initiative. Furthermore, as part of the Geohazards Lab, ARGANS monitors the user community of ESA’s Geohazards Exploitation Platform.