About Us
ARGANS is a small company of scientists and software developers based in Plymouth UK. We are specialists in satellite-based Earth Observation, remote-sensing applications and services, and geographical information systems used to map and monitor the marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environments.

ARGANS offers satellite mission solutions across a range of services, including development of ground segment algorithms and applications, data quality assessment and validation, or operations on behalf of space agencies, while keeping a strong scientific expertise in remote sensing science.
Scientific analysis of Earth Observation products and creating/improving algorithms for satellite data processing.
Building and maintaining satellite ground segment data processing software and end user analysis tools.
Project management of pan-European and international teams on long-term, mission-critical projects.
ISO9001 Quality Assured solutions and services fitting client's requirements and expectations.
Earth Observation Specialists
Specialisms include satellite mission operations, mission requirements specification and ground segment design to ECSS standards.
Research & Development
Provided by staff scientists and business partners with strong doctoral scientific background in atmospheric and oceanography research.
Software Engineering
Experienced engineers skilled in multiple programming languages (Python, MATLAB, C, IDL,...) and software engineering methodologies.
Sensor Calibration & Validation
Recognised contributors in the fields of optical sensor inter-comparison, validation and the vicarious calibration of sensors.
User Support & Quality Control
Support to end-users of remote sensing images providing issue tracking, quality control and assurance
Strategic & Sustainability Planning
Support to policy initiatives in providing long-term strategy and sustainability recommendations
Nautical Charting
Satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) and innovative radiance inversion method used to construct nautical charts to IHO standards.
Coastal Mapping
Feature detection algorithms used on satellite imagery to provide maps of land cover categorisation and identification of benthic habitats.
Project Management
Successful management of collaborative projects as prime contractor of consortia drawn from European and International partners.
Technical Writing
Scientific authorship for peer-reviewed publication; technical authorship for web and corporate dissemination.
Web Design
HTML5/CSS3 static and dynamic sites designed to support EO projects and services.
Clients & Partners
ESA satellite earth observation missions are 'big science' projects financed by member states' governments and receiving equivalently valued high-tech contracts through the industrial 'GeoReturn' policy and consequently projects tend to be undertaken by pan-European consortia.
ARGANS has forged strong partnerships through joining consortia both as prime and sub-contractor with UK, European and International entities: companies, research institutes, universities and individual scientific consultants.